I rarely cry. But just the other week I found myself tearing up at the most unusual time – during a Zoom call. I was the faculty supervisor observing a music therapy student. She was part of a program for adults with developmental disabilities, and when the Covid-19 shutdown happened the music therapists quickly moved to on-line services. Watching her make musical connections with the people in these little screens was so inspirational. But it was a staff member’s impassioned comment that brought on the tears – ‘We need you.’ 
The challenges of the past months have uncovered depths of unmet needs in our country. I need you. You need me. We need each other.
At Raising Harmony, Meredith and I have poured our hearts into creating a community for you and for us, so that we can be there for others. We sincerely hope that our trainings give music therapists new ideas and skills so that we can be the place for all people to join together and be there for each other in community.
Will you join us? Our next Sprouting Melodies Course is a good place to start. The summer session begins June 17. The course is ten weeks and totally on-line. (We’ve been doing virtual for a long time 😉 www.RaisingHarmony.com/training
And if you need me, just email! Elizabeth@RaisingHarmony.com. I’ll be there for you.