How does the Online Training Work?
It is an online training class designed to be accessible to you wherever and whenever it works for you. You are able to complete the assignments at home, or in a coffee shop! Any place that is comfortable and convenient for you! Once you register for the class, you will create an account to log in. Each week the training material for the week will be unlocked and you will be able to view it.

For the online training, is this done at my own pace or is there a specific “class time?”
Each week on Wednesdays, you will receive an email letting you know that a new module is beginning. This will unlock that new material. You have a week to complete each assignment and post to the online forums.

But I’m not available on Wednesdays. If I need to do course work on Wednesdays I cannot take the course at this time…bummer.
The new material is unlocked on Wednesdays, however you can view the material any other day of the week if Wednesday is not good for you.

How does Sprouting Melodies® compare with other early childhood music programs?
Sprouting Melodies® was founded by Meredith Pizzi, MT-BC and it is based on the Early Intervention Parent Child Group model she learned in her internship with Elizabeth Schwartz, LCAT, MT-BC.

Sprouting Melodies® integrates all that music therapists know about young children, development and musical responses. Sprouting Melodies® provides consistent music experiences through which the child’s overall development is supported and strengthened.

In each Sprouting Melodies® class, parents are given specific tools and music strategies to support their child’s growth at home. We do not teach or provide a curriculum, but rather the information that music therapists need to better understand early childhood development and the musical development of young children. We will share a lot of information about music for early childhood and give you a framework and structure for how to organize your classes to be developmentally and age-appropriate. However, music therapists are encouraged to use their expertise and experience to lead each class by the child, and not by the book.

Do I need to have my own facility space to run Sprouting Melodies classes or is this something I can bring to a facility like a a library or a daycare?
What you will learn in the Sprouting Melodies Training is applicable in many different settings! There is no limitation on where you can apply what you learn in the course. You will find that what you learn in this course can be applied in center based programs, in community spaces like libraries, daycare centers, or in a family’s home.

What fees should I charge for Sprouting Melodies?
The fees for your early childhood programs are entirely up to you based on your area and your practice. Do you need support in figuring out a price structure? Consider booking a coaching call with Meredith Pizzi, MT-BC!

Do I have to use Sprouting Melodies® music or can I use my own songs?
We consider Sprouting Melodies® to be an Open Source Model. We will share our songs with you in the Sprouting Melodies Training and we encourage you to use them in your groups and clinical practice. We will also teach you about music and song composition that is most effective in early childhood and encourage you to use and compose new songs that will meet the needs of your groups. You can also purchase Elizabeth’s early childhood songbook You and Me Makes We: A Growing Together Songbook. And we encourage you to share your amazing songs with the other music therapists in the community.

I received an error message that says I’m early. What’s wrong?
Either you are not logged in or you do not have the correct access codes on our end.

Can I use a different email address when I create my account on RaisingHarmony.com?
No, you must use the email address that you used when you first signed up. If you would like to change you email address that we have on file, please email help@RaisingHarmony.com and we will take care of that for you.

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