Music, Therapy, and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach

Music, Therapy, and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach is a comprehensive guide to music therapy with young children, providing a detailed examination of overall development in music from birth to age five.
Included are easy to read scales of developmental milestones, lists of early musical behaviors and current research on musical development in young children.
The book then lays out a musical developmental framework organized into five levels explaining musical elements key to each level, musical characteristics and an expansive catalog of musical goals and objectives. Strategies and interventions, practical tips and solutions for helping the child develop through music offer the therapist, family, or educator an easy to understand format for success.
Music, Therapy, and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach provides a wealth of information for the music therapy student, young music therapy professional, early childhood music educator, early childhood teacher, parents, and families.
“Schwartz presents her own developmental stages for children under school age. She clearly outlines the expected musical behaviours and provides objectives for each stage. She also suggests a few music experiences that can promote the acquisition of the objectives. Finally, she concludes her book with a list of instruments appropriate for each stage and how to create a developmental environment. My music therapy practice has been greatly influenced by this book.”
Meet the author...
Elizabeth K. Schwartz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC has been practicing music therapy in New York for over 30 years. She is internationally recognized as an expert in early childhood music therapy and is the author of the books Music, Therapy, and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach and Basic Verbal Skills for Music Therapists, as well as the songbooks, You and Me Makes We: A Developmental Songbook and Together With The Beat: Songs for Me…and You…and Us.

ISBN 13: 978-1-891278-53-2 || 168 pages.