Together With The Beat: Songs for Me, and You, and Us

Together with the Beat: Songs for Me, and You, and Us is a collection of 49 songs composed by Raising Harmony co-founder and early childhood music therapist, Elizabeth Schwartz. The songbook includes the collection of songs and musical musings that were both created to inspire and motivate you as you spend time making music and creating music spaces.
EXPLORE & GROW: The songs in Together with The Beat are grouped in eight categories according to how music functions in a young child’s world. Music can be part of everyday experiences (gathering and transitioning between activities, as well as gathering with others) and in bonding. Music reaches outside of ourselves, and the songbook offers songs for instruments and for movement. The songbook also contains we all use music to express ourselves (songs about me and my world).
BUILT ON RESEARCH & EXPERIENCE: This songbook is a sequel to the author’s previous songbook (with 101 songs), You and Me…Makes We: A Growing Together Songbook. Both songbooks are designed to support and help put in action the ideas and framework from the author’s book, Music, Therapy, and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach. While each book and song can stand alone, when used together the trio provides a comprehensive way to understand not only how, but why, to make music with and for young children.
FEEL INVIGORATED AND EXCITED TO SHARE NEW MUSIC: As you implement the songs from this songbook, you will feel EXCITED to share with the young children in your life. You’ll feel CONFIDENT that you are offering strong and effective music strategies. You will feel CERTAIN in your growth as an educator, an early childhood professional, or parent – and able to provide the best early childhood music experience for the children in your life.
What professionals and parents are saying about Elizabeth's songbooks:
“This book offers a wealth of information and immediately usable materials for teachers, parents, and music therapists. The author presents pertinent information about music development in early childhood and explains how music can enrich the child’s world. Tips for successfully making music with young children abound.
The songs are joyful; they creatively expose young children to rich and varied musical experiences. All are easily adaptable to various abilities and ages. As a veteran music therapist, I always am on the lookout for something that will help me present concepts and implement goals in new ways. This book fits the bill — I refer to it often and know that the songs will be thoroughly enjoyed by little ones (and their music therapist!).“
Meet the author...
Elizabeth K. Schwartz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC has been practicing music therapy in New York for over 30 years. She is internationally recognized as an expert in early childhood music therapy and is the author of the books Music, Therapy, and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach and Basic Verbal Skills for Music Therapists, as well as the songbooks, You and Me Makes We: A Developmental Songbook and Together With The Beat: Songs for Me…and You…and Us.