Where will you go from here?

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies Training – January 2015 Week 10 Where will you go from here?

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    • #6255

      Meredith Pizzi


      Where will you go from here? How will this training impact your work as a music therapist?

    • #6724

      Melissa Hentges


      This training has helped me take a closer look at the activities I use in my early education music classes to make sure that I am being developmentally appropriate at all times. It has inspired me to try new modalities, to look closely at the language I use with my students, and to become more comfortable explaining my choices to the preschool teachers that I work with. As Beth and Meredith said, this is an area the doesn’t receive much focus in our education and I found that it was necessary to turn to other professions to educate myself on the abilities and needs of this age group. This training has been so beneficial as it has bridged the gap between what I was applying from my music therapy education and what I have picked up along the way from other sources. I hope to continue to push myself to create music classes that are meaningful to the development of my students.

    • #6748

      Jessica Bogacik


      This training has really helped me to take a step back and examine exactly why and how I would approach my work with children. Having the background information about general development, as well as musical development, will help me to be able to recognize those steps and changes in the kids I will work with. Also, having the resource of Raising Harmony, and the experiences that Meredith and Beth have been through and shared through the videos are helpful to know where to get started in trying to become more involved in the community.

    • #6757



      I am so glad to hear how much this course has informed and expanded your work!

    • #6762

      Amanda Goff


      For the future, this training has provided me with a new outlook on how to approach my Music Therapy sessions. This training has provided me with new songs and new music interventions to use and adapt when working with young children. I do not have a great deal of experience with young children, but this training has provided me both with the materials and the confidence on how to apply and use this newfound information.

    • #6765

      Michelle Nettle


      As other participants have stated, this course has helped tremendously in “filling in the gaps” of our music therapy education when it comes to early childhood development and early childhood musical development. I have worked with children ages 3 and up with special needs for many years, but I really didn’t have a solid framework for the development of children ages 0-5. As others stated on the forum, I learned from other professionals like Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapist, ext. about particular development in certain areas, but I never had the ALL inclusive information that this Sprouting Melodies Course has provided. I feel so thankful to have this knowledge, although I have to admit that NOW I need to really dig in and re-read ALL of what has been taught so that I can FULLY assimilate it into my practice with confidence!

      I also purchased Beth’s songbook and Meredith’s CD and look forward to digging in and really learning these songs so that they can be added into my repertoire of early childhood music that I already have.I LOVE all the “functional language” of their songs and I look forward to having these songs as part of both my music therapy practice with children with special needs AND in my Sprouting Melodies Classes, as I definitely plan to become a Sprouting Melodies Provider!

    • #6815

      Natalie Condon


      The information I have gained in this course will defiantly be useful as I move forward in my music therapy work. Learning about the developmental stages of children 0-5 and the musical approaches best for each of those stages is something I can really utilize in the future. I do plan to become a Provider for Sprouting Melodies at some point and everything I have learnt in this training will be used fully, but like Michelle said I think I will need to sit down and reread everything we have gone over. There was so much information and I want to be able to fully absorb it so that I am able to fully put in into practice with confidence.

    • #6818

      Jamie Sacca


      I will be using the information I learned through this course to inform my early childhood music therapy practice as well as build a new niche into my practice. I think for a long time Ive been worried about being seen as “only a music class” but through this training, I’m glad that I will be able to say, yes, i offer developmental music classes based on my practice as a music therapist and informed by my clinical background. I feel more confident in my ability to state that.

    • #6825

      Mikhala Majeau


      This age group has always been my preferred age group. I love working with 0-5, and I wish I had more opportunities during my schooling to work with them. I have always been a huge advocate for the family and the child, and I am so happy that this is a program that meets my passions. I currently am at a road block when it comes to practicing as a music therapist, and I believe that SM will be my wrecking ball to break into the music therapy profession. I love that SM has given me information and a framework to begin a SM program, advocate for music therapy and begin and grow my music therapy practice. I hope this will be the push I need to begin practicing as an MTBC

    • #6883

      Lauren Servos


      This class has reinforced my knowledge of child development, given me some fantastic musical resources and an easy-to-follow structure for class planning, and most of all has given me the confidence and encouragement I need to start Sprouting Melodies classes in the community and grow my private practice. I hope to be running Sprouting Melodies classes starting this summer!

    • #6903

      Kristina Rio


      I’m so excited to hear so many of you now have the confidence and drive to really jump into becoming a provider. It is definitely a great idea to go through everything you an again to reinforce all of the information and songs. I found it helpful going through everything even after I started my first classes again just to sharpen everything!

    • #6905

      Leigh Ann Walberg


      I have absolutely loved this course and have already started using what I learn in my pre-school classes I work with each week. I also purchased the songbook and look forward to digging into that, and adapting my music sessions slowly to come more in line with the childrens developmental levels. I hope to see more training by Meredith and Beth, as it is one of the best CMTE’s I’ve ever taken.

    • #6931

      Robyn Rutland-Coleman


      This course has opened my up to the idea that music therapy can be something other than clinical work, and that we as music therapists can bring our unique skills to the community as a whole, not only as a facilitator of parent-child classes, but also as a resource for child development and an advocate for music therapy. I have loved all of the new songs and ideas presented, specifically the inclusion of functional language and supportive musical elements, and I will definitely use these in my work with special needs children. These songs will be great for families to learn and use with their kids at home in times of transition, and also as reinforcers of skills being addressed in music therapy sessions.

    • #6932

      Amanda Barnett


      I believe that this has given me the training that I need to open the doors to education about music therapy for young children and music for development for my small community. I have been trying to figure out how to introduce music therapy to my rural town since I started my studies in college but had not had any luck thinking of ways to get my foot in the door and how to make a successful business in an area so unfamiliar with this profession. I plan to implement the things I have learned into my current case load (songs, knowledge about developmental levels, etc) but what I really want to do is to start a SM program in my area! I believe that this program is just what Cleveland, Texas needs for families and children alike! I cannot express how happy I am that an advertisement for this course came across my newsfeed on Facebook & that I got involved. I think I may be in love with the idea of this program & putting it to good use in my hometown.

    • #6935

      Linda Madler


      I hope to get back to my work as a music therapist. I left the field to get my master’s in special ed and was able to stay with my daughters during their formative years. I agree that the SM training filled gaps in my education as a MT–it seems we studied mostly mental health and geriatrics. One of my practicum experiences was in a Montessori preschool, and I, my fellow student (and dare I say my MT supervisor) were unsure what components should be in a session other than the greeting/goodbye song. My internship was filled with great practical knowledge–we composed music with functional language and used music as a tool–we were sensitive to pitch, timbre, tempo, proximity, etc. I hope to combine SM with my work experiences and come up with something unique to offer families in our area.

      Most importantly, I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with other music therapists again. Thank you to Beth and Meredith for providing this training and forum and to all of you who participated–I have been inspired by your posts.

    • #6937

      Steven Clarke


      I will begin to implement what I have learned during this training into the work I am currently doing with young children. I feel more confident to take on work with early childhood populations and will seek out opportunities to do so. With what I have learned about connecting in the community, I will draw on support from my colleagues and fellow professionals to continue to advocate for music therapy. Becoming a sprouting melodies provider is something that I would like to pursue in the future after I have become a more seasoned music therapist and/or if I ever start my own private practice.

    • #6984

      Kathy Odenkirk


      This training was a great review for me of the developmental stages for 0 – 2 yrs. as it has been a few years since I worked with children that young. Tips for working with the parents/guardians/grandparents was helpful as my clinical work does not generally deal with parents face to face on a regular basis (Head Start children are bused to school). I like the approach of being developmentally appropriate and using functioning language – this is so important when working with young children. I think that the way this training will affect my work as a music therapist is a little unclear at this point. I am in transition with work, currently exploring/trying to create new job opportunities. I plan to definitely include becoming a Sprouting Melodies Provider as one of the possible job opportunities.

    • #7096

      Kayla Hamilton


      After the completion of this training, I will be the Sprouting Melodies Coordinator at my work. I feel that the language used to describe things in this course will be helpful to my work as music therapist. I feel that I will be able to explain development more concisely while using less “jargon”. I also the music I have learned through this training. Thank you Beth and Meredith!

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