Who’s More Stressed?

Who’s More Stressed? The screaming toddler being strapped into their car seat? Or the parent trying to strap the toddler in?

I say, both. At this time of year which is supposed to be so magical, it sure seems as if there is a lot of stress out there.

What can I, a music therapist, do about it? A lot!

In my decades of running early childhood music groups, I was always amazed at the transformation from the beginning to the end – usually stress to smiles. In developmentally focused music making, we can help parents to better understand their child and give them both a safe and supportive space just to ‘be.’

This is one reason we started the Sprouting Melodies Training. The course makes use of your expertise as a music therapist, and gives you the knowledge, experiences, and music you need to serve the children and families of your community.

What’s unique about the Sprouting Melodies Training? We focus on both the child and the parent as people. Me and Me…Meaningful expectations. Music for engagement.

The Sprouting Melodies® program offers music therapists a chance to use your education, skills and experience to bring the best possible early childhood music experience to families in your community.


23 CMTEs available for you to complete in your own space, in your own time.

Registration is now open for January 2023!

What exactly do you get in the course?

  • 10 week course where you take your early childhood skills and knowledge to the NEXT LEVEL
  • Interactive learning forums where you participate in discussions with the instructors and other music therapists
  • A copy of Elizabeth Schwartz’s book, Music, Therapy and Early Childhood: A Developmental Approach.

Ready to register for the Sprouting Melodies Training?

We can wait to see you inside the Sprouting Melodies training!

~ Elizabeth & Meredith

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