3 Specific Responses To Music

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – March 2023 Week 3 3 Specific Responses To Music

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    • #21805

      Julie Palmieri


      List 3 specific responses to music that you might see within a music group from a child in each of the music developmental levels.

    • #22113

      Erika (TeamRH)


      For this question you will want to include each of the developmental levels (that could be a bullet point or narrative) and then 3 specific responses to music for each of the developmental levels.

    • #22114

      Melissa Neitzel


      • Awareness
      o Eyes will move toward the sound source
      o Calm with familiar songs
      o Repeat sounds

      • Trust
      o Reach out to touch instruments
      o Grasp instruments for brief amount of time
      o When there is silence in the song, the child will toward the singer

      • Independence
      o Imitate animal sounds
      o Use whole hand to play keys on the piano
      o Will move to reach sound source (walking, crawling, rolling)

      • Control
      o Match specific pitches
      o Sing spontaneous songs
      o Start/stop instrument play in response to music

      • Responsibility
      o Sing familiar songs while playing simple instrument
      o Sing three-note phrases
      o Maintain grasp on mallet to play an instrument

    • #22124

      Leslie Aldrich


      Awareness – Turning toward music or sounds they like, settling/calming for familiar melodies, reaching out toward the music.
      Trust – Matching your pitch some of the time, making rhythmic repetitive movements, exploring instruments with their hands or mouth
      Independence – Making repetitive sounds, plays/strikes instruments with hands, vocalizing with some melodic inflection but no tonal center
      Control – Dancing to the music/imitating dance moves, singing the words of the songs even if they are not on pitch, plays instruments loudly and quickly.
      Responsibility – Maintain a steady beat when playing an instrument, can participate in musical rests that happen in a song, plays instruments and sings in loud and soft dynamics.

    • #22126

      Katelyn Caruso


      Awareness: in this stage a child can turns towards a sound they like, distinguish timbre such as recognizing the voice of a caregiver, and respond differently to “calming” vs. “play” songs (and might be afraid of play songs!)
      Trust: in this stage a child can choose to turn towards or away from sound, can choose how to explore instruments (might be licking a drum!), and can create purposeful pitched vocalizations
      Responsibility: a child in this stage can babble with melodic inflection, strike a drum, or hold and shake bells or a maraca
      Control: a child in this stage can generally match pitch and sing a variety of intervals, spontaneously dance or sing to music or without music, and can imitate learned movements to music
      Independence: a child in this stage can keep a steady beat, play beats and rests in a familiar structure, and listen to the play of others

    • #22134

      Maggie Johnson


      •turning towards a parent’s singing voice because of the familiar timbre
      • turning away from discordant sounds
      • co-regulation and appear being soothed through outside stimuli of repetitive bouncing while a lullaby is being sung

      •matching pitches of an a cappella song being sung to them, at times
      •locating a new instrument being played across the room and when the adult brings it to them they might bring it to their mouth
      •smiling in recognition when they hear a familiar melody

      •a child moving independently throughout the space a lot during the session exploring instruments and making a choice of instruments
      •squealing with delight sounding like a glissando when a welcome surprise happens in the music
      •bouncing along to the music but out of time

      •a child being able to freeze while listening
      •singing that follows melodic contour
      •beginning to play two-handed instruments with success

      •playing a simple sequence of desk bells or resonator bars
      •following two-step musical directions
      •matching their vocal quality to the music

    • #22149

      Christine Wick


      Awareness: Turning toward music / reaching toward music / turning attention or eye gaze toward music

      Trust: Repeating movements / creating a spontaneous melody / Exploring instruments in their environment

      Independence: Using glissandos / isolating body parts to move to music / Transferring instruments from hand to hand

      Control: Making up their own songs / Demonstrating a fast internal rhythm / banging on a drum

      Responsibility: Listening to others / Maintaining a steady beat on a drum / controlling dynamics

    • #22243

      Kimberly Werner


      Awareness: Preference to higher pitches, distinguishes between short & long pitch durations, joint/shared attention

      Trust: Purposeful/pitched vocalizations, recognition of familiar melodies, internal vs external focal response to lullaby vs play songs

      Independence: Enjoying musical surprises/games, using body to play percussion instruments, indication of preferred songs

      Control: Able to match pitches, able to begin to modulate vocal dynamics, free & structured vocalizations

      Responsibility: Discernment between loud & soft, singing in variety of keys, able to follow general melodic contour

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