Anyone else getting intimidated?

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies Training – January 2014 Week 7 Anyone else getting intimidated?

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    • #4471

      Katie Maurer


      Is anyone else getting intimidated/nervous?

      Maybe it’s because we’re getting closer to the end of the course and the need to put it all into action, but the idea of actually putting it all together is starting to get intimidating. Early childhood is where I did my internship and has always been where I wanted to end up, so I’m not so much nervous about the actual work with children. Does that make any sense?!

      Meredith and Elizabeth are so confident and at ease. That makes me feel even more rusty with my early childhood skills! I know that when I get back into it my skills will come back and that confidence comes with time. Am I alone in being a little nervous about it all?

      I’m really looking forward to meeting Meredith and Elizabeth at the GLR Conference at the end of March.

    • #4483



      Hi Katie,

      I just started offering Sprouting Melodies in February and I was absolutely nervous and a bit intimidated! There is a lot to remember and put into practice. With that being said, after a month of running SM groups I am starting to feel more confident and each time group gives me the opportunity to try and utilize what I have learned from the training. Although I know I am doing a good job, I also know it is going to take a long time before I am as seasoned or confident as Meredith and Beth. And, one of the amazing things about being a SM provider is you will always have Meredith and Beth for questions, support, and pep talks! They have helped me tremendously since I started. This help has been with both the business side and the actual class side. You will also have the SM Provider Forum where you can review the training videos and talk with other providers.

      I hope that helps!


    • #4485

      Elizabeth Schwartz


      Thanks so much for you honesty, Katie. There is a huge amount of material in the course. But as Erika stated so beautifully, we are here as a community to support and help each other not only during the course, but after and onwards! One of the reasons that I might look confident is that I have had over 25 years of practice in early childhood alone, and many more before that in other areas of practice. But every day when I go to work I still get that ‘flurry’ of doubt that I will be able to meet the needs of the children and families I work with. It totally disappears as soon as the music begins. This will happen for you, too.

    • #4495

      Meredith Pizzi


      I echo all of the comments here! Thanks, Katie for posting your very honest comment. Like with everything in our professional, and our personal lives, we chose to dare greatly and step outside of our comfort zones to be able to grow and expand as people! We designed this whole business model to support music therapists in launching successful business programs so that they aren’t on their own. With the support of the Sprouting Melodies community, and the online videos and business templates and resources, you will have lots of support to launch your own Sprouting Melodies Program.
      Also, at the end of the course, I will offer a 30 minute call to all of our class participants to chat through any questions your wonderings you may have! 🙂 Don’t worry, we are all here for you!

    • #4496

      Caroline Gillott


      Katie–I feel the same way you do. I do not have much confidence right now in myself. Mainly because I have a disability that some times gets in the way. I’ve struggled with sustaining my energy level when facilitating groups on my own. There are times when I am not able to be 100% mobile for more than 30 minutes at a time. So, I’m starting to think “this is NOT for me. However, I have kids of my own…so, if I can do it for them, then I should be able to do this. This is my biggest worry when working with children. I too am overwhelmed with the amount of information and am not sure how to put it all together into a class. Being “young” still and not having 25 yrs under my belt, I still have that low self confidence when starting something new. I shut down when parents are in the room because I am concerned about their feedback and criticisms. This is DEFINITELY something that I need to work out–I know that.

    • #4511

      Katie Maurer


      Thanks for all the kind words. They’re helping put my mind at ease. It’s good to know that I’m not alone and that even when the course is over, I won’t be alone then either.

      I think that a big part of the nervousness is related to the fact that Sprouting Melodies classes are part of a plan that will allow me to quit my daytime office job and move into the music/music therapy world full-time. I’m looking forward to it, but it’s scary all the same.

    • #4517

      Cassandra Mulcahy


      I used to keep Post-it plans to keep me organized when I was feeling doubtful or disorganized about working in new ways, but then one day something magical happened… a child took my post-it during the middle of a tune. Nothing wrong with giving yourself reminders of the structure until your intuition can take over. 😉

    • #4536

      Kate St. John


      Yes, I am also feeling intimidated. It has been difficult just to try and keep up (not always successfully!) with this course material each week because of how busy I am (and I’m sure all of you are too). I haven’t had any time to try and learn any of the songs and it seems overwhelming to think about learning all of that and remembering all the developmental stages and SM format, etc.
      But I really appreciate Erika talking about how SM has gone for her and the ongoing support we will have. That helps put my mind at ease…a little!

    • #4550

      Katie Maurer


      We can do it Kate! We just have to keep in mind that we can do it together! We don’t have to try to figure it all out on our own.

    • #4569

      Nancy Bair


      Caroline-I understand your position, but kids are sooo forgiving and parents will warm up to you so much more when they realize that you aren’t perfect and you don’t expect them or their kids to be. As a parent with children Sprouting Melodies age, I can tell you that I would love to take a class from someone who can just say, “Are there days when you are just tired and you need a little pick me or” or “Here’s something you can do at home when your kids need to move but you need to rest..” I would look at it as a positive and that you can bring something to the table that parents will not only appreciate but be able to completely relate to!!
      Kate-I haven’t learned the songs either. I am writing comments down while I’m listening and I know for sure which ones I am going to be learning and also writing down songs I already know that I can plug into those areas as well.
      Katie–I think you are right! It is intimidating! To me, the actual class isn’t as intimidating as much as all the other “business” stuff that goes along with it. That FREAKS me out!! Too bad you can’t just make up a song called, “Pay me please…” hahahaha!

      At least we are all in good company!

      It is very comforting to know about the ongoing support offered too!!

    • #4648

      Sarah jane Mason


      Katie, I am feeling your sense of fear of the unknown as I have a lot invested in the “what ifs” of this program and my private practice. What if I find a place to provide classes and then no one signs up? What if I do all the work for marketing, getting child care covered, renting space, buying supplemental instruments, etc and I only have enough families for one class? What if I out-price myself for my community and I have to end up charging way lower than I feel my time as a MT is worth? What if this doesn’t grow into a viable daytime income source for me as I hope it will? We needed for me to be back at work months ago and I have put off getting a daytime J-O-B that I will probably not be passionate about in hopes Sprouting Melodies can provide that income for me by Fall registration time. I know it needs time to grow, and patience is required. I am a positive person in general, but feeling nervous about getting it going too.

      A great motivator for me is that I am confident in the music and in my abilities as a MT to facilitate a developmentally appropriate and super fun class! I just need to get them there! “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…” We got this!

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