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    • #4611



      This will replace “How have you used these four music experiences in your practice?……..”

      The corrected question is:
      How are you planning on sharing this information with colleagues, administrators and families?

    • #4629

      Nancy Bair


      I plan to introduce this information at an upcoming presentation that I am giving about MT and autism. I also plan to set up a website/blog with this information, link to the site and other information as has been outlined in the information. Althougth I need to do a bit more groundwork before I can officially start this program, I would like to get the word out. I also plan to FINALLY finish my linkedin profile, as well as designated FB page.

    • #4639

      Caroline Gillott


      This is a hard question for me to answer at this time since I do not plan on starting something with SP right away. When the time comes, I hope to use my connections with a local college to spread the word. Fortunately the college is well aware of music therapy and already run MT programs but not for early childhood. I hope to spread the word to our library as well who seems to be reaching out more and more the community to bring people in. I do not believe that they currently have an early childhood program. I feel word of mouth is the most powerful advertising “tool”. Social media is also extremely helpful too.

    • #4653

      Jennifer DeBedout


      I have already shared the information from this course with both families and colleagues! I shared what I was learning with my Making Friends Music Class parents and mentioned that I will be bringing new songs from Beth’s song book into the next scheduled offering of the group. Yesterday, I presented at the Vermont Family Network conference and was asked a question by a 0-3 professional. I was able to say that I just finished your training and learned a lot about music connecting with different stages. The audience member and others were very intrigued! I have also shared information about your course with our newly formed, small but fledgling, Music Therapy Association of Vermont!

    • #4659

      Meredith Pizzi


      Great, Ladies! Please know that it commonly happens that it takes music therapists who have completed the program months, or even a year or more, to be ready to begin a Sprouting Melodies Program. There is no limit! Just be aware that you can’t market using the Sprouting Melodies name until you become a provider. You can become a provider as a member and then start to build up your program. We will help you ever step of the way!
      Thanks again for joining us for this course.

    • #4660

      Meredith Pizzi


      Great, Ladies! Please know that it commonly happens that it takes music therapists who have completed the program months, or even a year or more, to be ready to begin a Sprouting Melodies Program. There is no limit! Just be aware that you can’t market using the Sprouting Melodies name until you become a provider. You can become a provider as a member and then start to build up your program. We will help you ever step of the way!
      Thanks again for joining us for this course.

    • #4670

      Sarah jane Mason


      I cannot wait to share this information with other MT’s, preschools, non profits, and parents in my community! Ever since I took a long session with Beth at St. Charles conference I have been hooked on her songs and the opportunity to learn from such a dedicated professional MT in this age group. I have been really holding my tongue from speaking about it yet because of the need to be official in my SM provider status, but when I do I plan a full marketing campaign to promote. My goal is to have 4 full classes by Fall and I plan to promote and market them through local preschools, library programs, social media, and the personal connections I make from going to family events with my 2 year old son.

    • #4672

      Dany Orozco


      I’m also going to wait a little while before setting up a practice, but I think the ideas on the first video of this week are great! Right now I’m assisting C sections so I think opening an early intervention program like SP will be a great way to continue using music to create a stronger bond between the mother and the child.

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