Create a Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – January 2023 Week 8 Create a Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework

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    • #21604

      Julie Palmieri


      Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework:

      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 3

      Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Sprouting Melodies 3

    • #21880

      Jorden Liteplo


      High-energy, joyful, intentional, sensory, autonomy

      Always I start with a hello song and a secondary hello song. Then with this age group I like to go right into instruments or movement depending on the age of the groups. For instrument songs I like stop and go songs or songs where they play high/ low/ loud quiet/ or call and respond with simple beats. Since they can imitate simple actions now I love motor songs where we do animal actions, jump and stop or play follow the leader. I would then usually trade materials for props like scarves. I love using scarves for sensory integration at this age. This is the time where I would begin to incorporate more concept songs such as counting, colors and props like sing along or interactive books into my class. I still use wiggle car at this age but often the kids will take themselves on a pretend car ride. And I always always end off with a cool down/ self regulation song. like a breathing song or tapping song or even a relaxing song about bubbles when I’m running these groups. Funnily these are standard in music therapy groups but whenever I try this with a new group at the daycare, preschool or studio the grownups are always surprised at how effective these methods are with this age group. I think we don’t give this age group enough credit with their own skills to calm themselves down. Plus its nice after all that jumping and stimulation to bring the energy down! Then I sing goodbye.

      • #21966

        Kayla Stubblefield


        I like that you added autonomy in to your five words to describe.

      • #22021

        Angie Snell


        Nice, Jorden. I approach my groups similar to you. And it is wonderful to watch the surprise and delight from the other adults in the room.

    • #21921

      Sean FitzGerald


      Exploratory, exciting, energetic, silly, social

      I would start with a gathering song and then a hello song to get everyone oriented to the space. I like starting with instruments because it allows for everyone to start engagement at their own level so I would move into an instrument song next. Then, I would move into a body orientation song like head, shoulders knees and toes to scaffold into a movement song. This would include probably a gross motor movement song and then an action song to provide some opportunity to connect to their outside environment; an example of this would be the firetruck song Favor presented. Then, I would do a scarf song to incorporate some sensory input with the movement and allow them to connect with each other and their parents using the scarves. After this, I would go for a bonding song to cool down and allow for interaction with the parents and then end with the goodbye song!

    • #21929

      Erika (TeamRH)


      Reminder to add songs to your frameworks.

      -Thank you

    • #21964

      Kayla Stubblefield


      High-energy, fun, silly, sensory-focused, and independence.

      I would start with a hello song “Shake Hands With Me” and invite everyone to gather around and sing. I would transition into a bonding song “My Brand New Friend.” I would then implement an instrument-play experience and use the song “One. One. Play the Drum.” Next, I would facilitate music and movement with the song “Pick Your Hands Up High.” Then we would transition to a sound about me using “Take A Trip Today.” Last, we would end with a goodbye song.

    • #21997

      Leah Strand


      Silly, energetic, sensory stimulation, adaptive, fun

      I wold start with the gather round song then go into a hello song so they can socially interact and get a sense for who’s in their space. I would then move onto the do you wan to be my friend song for more recognition of who’s around them. After this I would move into an instrument song like I like this song. With this song I would mix it up with various planned movements to get everyone a moving and grooving. After this a small transition song for putting instruments away then get the scarves out for. Bonding song of row row row your boat, adapting where needed. Next I would do the where is music song and end with a Goodbye song.

    • #22022

      Angie Snell


      5 Words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 3: Active, fun, accepting, engaging, intentional

      Create a Plan for songs and music experiences to use in Sprouting Melodies 3:
      A. Gathering/Greeting Songs: The More We Get Together; Hello Everybody;
      B. Bonding Songs: Horsey, Carry Me; Hold On Tight; My Brand New Friend
      C. Songs About Me: Draw A Circle Around Yourself; Sit Down with Me; Sit Down and Join My Circle
      D. Instrument Songs: The Surprise Song: I Can Move Around;
      E. Movement Songs: Jumping Up and Jumping Down; Going For A Ride In My Car
      F. Goodbye: It’s Time to Go and Say Goodbye; Goodbye, Goodbye; Adios Amigos; All Done

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