Create a Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – June 2023 Week 8 Create a Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework

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    • #22224

      Julie Palmieri


      Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework:

      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 3

      Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Sprouting Melodies 3

    • #22619

      Sarah Braverman


      Five words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 3 are followed:
      1. Active
      2. Personality
      3. Strong
      4. Intentional
      5. Creative
      Five sentences I’d use when speaking to parents about the musical responses of children in SM3 are as followed:
      1. If the child started toward the guitar and the parent started to get nervous, I’d tell the parent “Your child is controlling the tempo of the chord I’m playing on the guitar and that’s ok”.
      2. If the child started to move toward another child and the parent was worried, I’d say “It’s ok. This is a chance for the child to play with someone else in the group and together they can figure out how they want to play music together”.
      3. If the parent asked about why I was using drums in the session, I’d say “This allows the children to share in controlling how they are playing music together”.
      4. If a parent with a timid child asks me why I’m using a song that’s very repetitive I’d tell the parent “This can invite your child to participate more in the music because your child can rely on the consistency that the song’s structure provides.”
      5. If a parent is worried that their child isn’t doing a particular music task the same way as other children in the group are, I’d tell the parent “It’s ok. Your child doesn’t have to do this task like everyone else in the group. This is a safe space and everyone in the group can interact with or participate in the music any way they want.”

      Plan for songs and music experiences to use in a session with SM3: 1. Hello/Gathering Songs 2. Bonding songs/ “My Brand New Friend”/ “Swimming Together” 3. Songs about Me/ “Hello Everybody”/ “Sit Down and Join My Circle” 4. Movement Songs/ “Clickety Clack”/ “Will You Come?” 5. Instrument Songs/ “All Night All Day/ “Music Is The Way” 6. Transition song/ “Clean Up Song” 7.Goodbye song

    • #22645

      Talia Morales


      Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework:
      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 3.
      Active, showcase personality, intentional, creative, accepting, flexible

      Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Sprouting Melodies 3.
      Greeting Song
      Free Sing-along medley instrument-choice
      Movement – choose how to move Song
      Shared instrument song_gathering drum_then work around the periphery of the circle so that all get a chance to play
      Bonding Lap song>finger play
      Movement Prop Song> Pom poms, parachute, puppets…Song About Me or My World
      Song Story
      Cool Down
      Goodbye Transition Song

    • #22685

      Julie Palmieri


      Sprouting Melodies 3 Framework:

      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 3

      Push and pull

      Active and energy



      Personality – making decisions and choices

      • #22686

        Julie Palmieri


        Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Sprouting Melodies 3.

        Gathering / Hello – strumming a guitar together

        Gross motor movement – clapping, tapping, stomping, jumping, etc.

        Instrument exploration and play – working on opposites (start/stop, loud/soft, fast/slow, etc.)

        Singable book – working on language development, repetition, following a simple story

        Gross motor movement – group movements (using a parachute, canopy scarf, stretchy band)

        Gross motor movement – individual creative movements (using scarves or color hoops or streamers)

        Closing / Goodbye

    • #22704

      Julie Palmieri


      Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Sprouting Melodies 3.

      Gathering / Hello – strumming a guitar together to the tune of “Good Night Ladies”

      Gross motor movement – clapping, tapping, stomping, jumping, etc. – “I’m Gonna Clap My Hands”

      Instrument exploration and play – working on opposites (start/stop, loud/soft, fast/slow, etc.) – Shake and Stop (Lynn Kleiner) and play-along to I Know a Chicken (Laurie Berkner)

      Singable book – working on language development, repetition, following a simple story

      Gross motor movement – group movements (using a parachute, canopy scarf, stretchy band) – “Row Row Row Your Boat”

      Gross motor movement – individual creative movements (using scarves or color hoops or streamers) –

      Cool down – Just Be by Kira Willey

      Closing / Goodbye – to the tune of Good Night Ladies

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