Create a Sprouting Melodies Family Sprouts Framework

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – June 2023 Week 8 Create a Sprouting Melodies Family Sprouts Framework

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    • #22222

      Julie Palmieri


      Sprouting Melodies Family Sprouts Framework

      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Family Sprouts

      Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Family Sprouts

    • #22621

      Sarah Braverman


      Five words to describe the music experiences in Family Sprouts are as followed:
      1. Support
      2. Helping
      3. Joyful
      4. Connections
      5. Cooperation
      Five sentences I’d use when speaking to parents about the musical responses of children in Family Sprouts are as followed:
      1. If a parent comes to me and wondered if it was ok for their older child to do a music activity with their younger child, I’d tell the parent “Absolutely! This would be a great way to have the siblings connect and share a music experience together”.
      2. If the parent wondered if it was ok that their older sibling showed their younger sibling how to play an instrument in the group, I’d say “Of course! This would be a great way for your child to model how the instrument is played to their younger sibling”.
      3. If the parent worried about her children sharing instruments, I’d say “Instead of telling the children to share, try the word ‘trade’. This would give both your children the opportunity to play instruments that they want”.
      4. If a parent tells me that their child is really eager to have their younger sibling try a musical task but they want the younger sibling to do something else without hurting the feelings of the older sibling, I’d tell the parent “It’s great that the child wants to do something musical with the younger sibling. Try telling the older child that they can do that music task with their younger sibling, but first they need to try this musical task. That way you are still validating the input from the older sibling.”
      5. If a parent asks why I had their older child help me collect the instruments from the group, I’d tell the parent “ At this stage, your child is growing into the role of responsibility. This was an opportunity for your child to contribute more to the group and I believe your child is ready to rise to challenge.”

      Plan for songs and music experiences to use in a session with Family Sprouts: 1.Hello/Gathering Songs 2. Bonding Songs/”Hold On Tight”/”Row It Faster” 3.Songs about Me/ “That All Makes Up Me”/”Watch Me Go” “4. Movement Songs/ “I Can Move Around”/ “Can You Follow?” 5. Instrument Song/ “I Like This Song”/ “Music Is The Way” 6. Transition song/ “Clean Up Song” 7. Goodbye songs

    • #22644

      Talia Morales


      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Family Sprouts:
      Busy, interaction, ability-ranging, sharing, high energy

      Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Family Sprouts.
      -Greeting gathering song
      -Free sing-along medley instrument jam
      -clean up transition song
      -Gross motor movement song with choice making elements_older students as models/leader
      -Shared instrument song_eg ocean drum or gathering drum
      -Song Story
      -Related My World-type of song connected to book theme_could be finger play type of song or a related cool Down
      -Goodbye Transition Song

    • #22687

      Julie Palmieri


      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Family Sprouts




      Helping/modeling – between siblings


      • #22688

        Julie Palmieri


        Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in Family Sprouts.

        Gathering / Hello

        Family lap ride

        Gross motor movement – choices on movements for older kiddos with opportunities for modeling

        Instruments – paired/sibling playing

        Singable book

        Movement – shared movement with larger scarves

        Listening/quiet experience

        Closing / Goodbye

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