Discuss Traditional and Cultural Music

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – June 2023 Week 3 Discuss Traditional and Cultural Music

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    • #22207

      Julie Palmieri


      Discuss the traditional and cultural music in the community where you work.

    • #22458

      Sarah Braverman


      The clients that come to my office are from various cultural backgrounds. Some of the clients that I see are from households where Spanish is the primary language. So far, the children that I’ve met from these households speak english and understand spanish. There was one session where I used the song “Buenos Dias” as my hello song for the client. The song began to engage them in the music and made them aware that music was present in the environment. In that session, I also improvised a goodbye song in spanish to the tune of “Goodnight ladies”. I also have clients who come from households where arabic is the primary language spoken. I have a client who is really good at playing the piano and currently, I am working with him to develop his rhythm skills to an arabic song that his dad sent to me. The song is in arabic; however, our main focus with this client will be for him to match the rhythm of the song and transfer the rhythm skills to drum and piano.

    • #22520

      Talia Morales


      Discuss the traditional and cultural music in the community where you work.
      Here in San Diego we have a very wide range of cultural backgrounds represented in the county ranging from local native tribal Kumeyaay people, high influx of military families stationed here, immigrant and refugee communities who call San Diego home and the geographic location close to the border with Mexico. I love living in the culturally diverse melting pot of San Diego and musically speaking, I see this wide range of traditions and cultures represented in the school based work I do in SD County. Each region of the district i work with have it’s unique demographic pockets and this informs my sessions as I do bring my best attempt to incorporate culturally relevant music to the classrooms I work in, for example including a range of traditional and modern Mexican music such as banda, ballet folklorico, mariachi etc.. I also enjoy bringing in traditional and cultural music into my lessons and resources I create/compile and share with teachers in conjunction with calendar themes such as Cinco de Mayo, Native American Heritage month and Asian American and Pacific Islander Month.

      • #22628

        Brooke Langley


        It must be so fun and rewarding living in a such a culturally diverse area! We have a high population of families from the Marshall Islands in our town. Unfortunately, I don’t have any families yet that participate in my music for littles class, but our High School now offers Ukulele classes as a music elective because the population is so high here and those children LOVE playing the instrument from their native home!

    • #22584

      Erika (TeamRH)


      I truly enjoyed reading about the musical and cultural diversity in your communities. Thank you for sharing.

    • #22627

      Brooke Langley


      Living in the “Bible Belt” of America, a lot of my families listen to a local Christian radio station, so a lot of the children in my group recognize some of the popular songs on that station. I’ll incorporate one or two songs into the group for familiarity. One song that’s played a lot on the station is called “It’s a Good Morning” by Mandisa, and this song is so fun as a Hello/Movement song with littles!

    • #22700

      Julie Palmieri


      Honestly, our area is pretty homogenous. Country music, Christian rock, classic rock, contemporary rock are prevalent in the community.

      Our local schools put an emphasis on elementary school music — utilizing Orff instruments, body percussion, ukuleles, recorders, and lots of vocal music. All 6th graders in our school district have opportunities to join choir, orchestra, or band, with many opportunities for additional performance groups.

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