How are you planning on sharing this information with colleagues, administrators and families?

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies Training – September 2013 Week Ten How are you planning on sharing this information with colleagues, administrators and families?

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  • Author


    • #3288

      Meredith Pizzi


    • #3679

      Keeley St Clair


      I plan to sit down with my employer and present the structure, focus and details of Sprouting Melodies in hopes that they see the value (it would be hard not to) and potential of offering this program in the PDX area. From there, I am inspired to hold workshops, in-services and presentations for groups of parents and organizations related to early childhood.
      I also plan to seek partnerships with libraries, day care programs and early intervention programs as great resources for a referral base.
      Very excited to see where this goes!

    • #3684

      Stacy Reno


      Keely, so excited for you! Good Luck! If my job was not full time I would follow your lead. I can see this taking off in areas around here. At this point, I will share this information with colleagues!

    • #3700

      Elizabeth Schwartz


      Thanks for sharing. Meredith and I are so passionate about making sure that all music therapists have access to information on early childhood development and programming.

    • #3720

      Coleen Shanagher


      Since I am now back in graduate school I will share this training with other new music therapists so that they might specify their practice. I will also incorporate the new knowledge I have gained with parents as I see development in their children.

    • #3740



      This morning, I shared with a a couple of people from the gallupARTS board that I plan to begin early childhood music classes in January at our Multicultural Center. In both of these conversations, the respond was that I should utilize the stage of our historic theater that is in the center of down town. Great idea! So… already, people are receptive to SM classes coming to town. These two people (and many others) want to keep our downtown business district alive. Yesterday, we received news that the downtown is now designated as a state Arts and Culture District. The board of gallupARTS sees the value in bringing early childhood music to the Arts DIstrict to cultivate arts and culture long into the future. I’m excited to launch the SM program! And the timing couldn’t be better here in Gallup. The next step (after I become a provider!) will be to market services to families and the surrounding communities.

    • #3770



      That is great news Toni!! Sounds like you and I will be starting SM programs around the same time. Look forward to hearing how everything goes for you.

    • #3790

      Lauren Stoner


      I meet up with music therapists in my community every quarter and I plan on following up with them about this program. I have already told them I began the training for this program and have encouraged them to do the same.

      I think it is important to go out into the community, such as libraries. Promoting the program in fliers can be helpful, because it can be posted somewhere since you can’t be everywhere, but also the parents can refer back to them.

    • #3833

      Petra Paukova


      Hello all, I am very behind with lesson 10. I have three visitors from my home country here and did a lot of traveling. Plus, for some reason I was not able to download all the materials from Lesson 10 to my computer, included evaluation form. Any suggestions? Anyway, I am back on the track now. I have talked with community center worker here in Chandler about introducing SM next year. They provide some basic music classes, but nothing for very small children, so he was interested. Two libraries contacted so far. Also, I spoke to couple of music therapists in the area about this class/program. Some are definitely interested. Looks like during next year we might do something together here in Arizona. 🙂

    • #3841



      I’m glad you were able to get back on track, especially with all of that going on! Sounds like you have some good things coming together. I am also starting a new private practice myself. I wish you all the best as you move forward!

    • #3847

      Kathryn Opher


      As an arts center owner, educator of graduate students and having an active private practice for over 25 years, this course was a nice reminder of the work we do as music therapists. I am glad that Beth and Meredith have concretized the concepts to be more easily shared with all of you and more music therapists every session. I am proud of their work and it was energizing to me to follow along with this process.

    • #3855

      Erin Spring


      I’ve already started researching libraries and their current programming. I think they will be my first goal. I think my timeline goal will be this summer so I can get one of my therapists trained who does school year contracts so she has summer work to do. I am about to meet with a marketing specialist, so I think between what is already provided as a SM Provider and the input from this marketing consultant, I think I’ll have a great strategy for marketing this to administrators. As far as colleagues, I think the program sells itself when you explain that only board-certified can provide it and how its structured, and families too!

    • #3886

      Shannon Kiley


      I primarily will be sharing this information with the supportive people in my clients’ lives– aides and teachers in school systems and family members in private homes, as well as caregivers in SM groups. As time goes on I can also share the information with other music therapists!

    • #3892

      Sarah Tree


      I’m excited to share information with my music therapy friends back in NY, and plan on letting my professors know about the coursework, and how I think it could be beneficial to them and their students.

    • #3904

      Jennifer Sokira


      So far I have been sharing this information with administrators and program directors in the area adjacent to our center! I have also fielded some questions from other professionals who were aware I was taking this training:-)

    • #4023

      Kehlen Bushatz


      I have several friends who are music therapists in Michigan and NY. They work with EI and PK and one is a music together teacher. Right now I’m not pursuing becoming a provider, but if I do in the future I’d explain the philosophy and guidelines and what makes this program special.

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