How have you used these four music experiences in your practice? Have you made any changes in these areas since beginning this course? Post your remarks to the board

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies Training – January 2014 Week 10 How have you used these four music experiences in your practice? Have you made any changes in these areas since beginning this course? Post your remarks to the board

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  • Author


    • #4063

      Meredith Pizzi


    • #4584

      Elyse Suhay


      I have absolutely transformed the way I do sessions with my preschoolers since I started this course, and I’ve incorporated many of the ideas learned here into my sessions with older clients as well. I leave more space for silence and comprehension in my experiences, especially during listening activities. I try to structure movement experiences so that each child can be successful as well as show some creativity. I’ve started using more repetition, for instance, playing or singing a song twice instead of just once then moving on. I’ve noticed some improvements from that 🙂

    • #4591

      Katie Maurer


      Like Elyse, I’ve started using some of these ideas in my work with my older adult client. I’ve really started to pay attention to my vocal timbre and facial expressions. I’m trying to leave more space and silence for comprehension and responses and setting the session and interventions up to allow her to make lots of choices.

    • #4595

      Kristina Rio


      So great to hear!

    • #4598

      Kate St. John


      There are three things that really stood out to me and that I have applied to my clinical work so far: One is the musical developmental stages. I started looking at all my clients with special needs with this in mind and have seen that although my clients range from age 5-18 with one age 61, they all fall within these musical developmental stages. This has changed some of the music and interventions I have chosen so that it more closely matches which stage they are in. The second thing I have been made more aware of is the importance of listening and giving more time and space for this. Thirdly, I have been more aware of how difficult it can be for new parents to get anywhere. One of my clients’ moms had a baby right after SM started and I thought about her a lot when the videos talked about welcoming the families in who come late and how we’re so glad they made it! I was able to encourage the mom in that way when they came 25 minutes late to therapy because first my client lost his backpack, and then someone parked so close to the car that the mom couldn’t get the baby’s car seat in. She looked like she was about to cry when they finally arrived. I told her I was just glad they made it and it must have been very stressful. We also had a good talk about how important music therapy is to my client so that he has that time focused only on him, now that the baby has taken away most of the attention.

    • #4605

      Cassandra Mulcahy


      Hum. I am unclear about what four music experiences this is referring to. I have gone through my notes and cannot seem to find a group of four of anything. What am I missing?

      Regardless- I also feel more informed about my clients with developmental disabilities! I feel much more prepared to move them vertically through these stages. I am not working with any 0-3 aged clients currently, but I definitely feel as though I am more aware of the capabilities of my pre-school groups, and have found more ways to delicately challenge their developmental capabilities musically. I do wish that this training had more info on interventions for 3-5 year olds though. I feel as though there are some fast shifts in this age range that I am missing.

    • #4609



      Cassandra I think you may be correct that these questions were for a previous week. I will check in with Meredith and Beth and get back to you.

    • #4610



      Cassandra you were correct this question is an error. For everyone that already answered this question, you Do Not need to answer the corrected question that I placed for this week. We are accepting the answer you already wrote here. For anyone who has not answered this question, please see the “Corrected Question” topic I created for this week.

      We apologize for the error!

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