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    • #1434

      Alyssa Kereki


      Hello Fellow Music Therapists!

      Before I introduce myself, I just wanted to say that I have read through all of your introductions and feel honored to be learning with such a distinguished group of professionals. Each and every one of your personal stories is inspiring, and the passion that you have for helping others through music makes me feel blessed to be one of your colleagues.

      My name is Alyssa Kereki, and I became a board certified music therapist last Wednesday, the exact day that this training began. As Meredith put it, talk about good timing! I just completed my internship at Bethany Children’s Home in Womelsdorf, PA, which is a residetial facility for teens who are emotionally disturbed and have encountered traumatic situations. My bachelor’s degree is from the University of Evansville in Evansville, IN, and three days ago I moved back to the Evansville area to start a music therapy program in one of the local school districts (yikes!). Throughout my practicum experiences, I always felt as though I was meant to work in a school district, and somehow one of my professors turned my dreams into a reality! This professor (who is now my supervisor) encouraged me to take the Sprouting Melodies training to help me feel a little more grounded in the work that I am doing since right now the majority of my clients are preschool and kindergarten students.

      I am extremely excited to learn from all of you and promise to share my own thoughts along the way (although I will admit that I am slightly intimiated…). Here’s to new opportunities!

    • #1436

      Elizabeth Schwartz


      So glad to have you, Alyssa. New therapists and therapists with lots of experience have so much to learn from each other. As a site supervisor, I know I learn so much from my interns who often have access to the latest readings and information from their studies.

      Although the focus of this training is early childhood and early development, I think you will find much to use with your elementary and middle school students.

    • #1461

      Tamara Strom


      Wow!! Congratulations on so many recent milestones!! I just graduated in May as well, and just became board certified in July, and am also just starting a new job. It is nice that we will have the opportunity to support one another through it!!

    • #1485

      Leigh Giglio


      You are such an encourager! I just went through to read or re-read some of the introductions and loved how you commented and encouraged each person that posted! Thank you for being such a caring person and truly wanting to connect to us all. You are right that we are all blessed to be able to learn and experience this training together!

      Congratulations on your certification, new job and working towards your first CEU’s!!

      Looking forward to getting to know you better and hear some of your “new” insites!


    • #1499

      Meredith Pizzi


      We love this online community setup! It’s great to be able to connect and get to know each other in this forum. Glad to have all of you here!

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