Music and Early Development

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – June 2023 Week 8 Music and Early Development

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    • #22223

      Julie Palmieri


      As a music therapist, you know how music making contributes to overall early development. This connection between music and development is a unique feature of this training. We also know that there are many community programs in which young children are taught music skills.

      How do you explain to parents the difference between what you do and what another music learning based program does?

    • #22617

      Sarah Braverman


      I’d explain to parents that music learning-based programs focuses more on the music and teaching the child about skills related to music. Music learning-based programs don’t set goals that are specific to the child’s needs. There’s also a plan already set for what the child is supposed to get out of the program. As music therapists, we don’t only use music to help children reach goals, but we use music as a way to incorporate what someone might find in a music learning-based program and combine them with knowledge from other therapies simultaneously. We may have an idea as to what the child might get out of the session; however, it’s not a set plan. This makes way for music therapy sessions to be flexible so that whatever happens in the moment with the child is what their getting out of music therapy. Music therapy sessions are tailored based on the needs of the child, not the needs of the music.

    • #22647

      Talia Morales


      I think it’s important to point out to parents that any musical enrichment program is valuable for multitude of reasons AND (rather than but) by choosing a music learning based program that is led by a board certified music therapist, you can ensure that the activities and class structure have been deliberately designed with skills in mind to encourage growth and development of a wide-range of skill areas including pro-social, communication, cognitive, fine and gross motor skills etc…Additionally, MT’s are trained in how best to tailer music experiences to suit the child’s individual needs and celebrate exactly where their child is at in their development!

    • #22650

      Erika (TeamRH)


      Thank you for your insights.

    • #22690

      Julie Palmieri


      A Sprouting Melodies class focuses on the whole child’s development. By the child, not by the book (or music skill).

      Because of my training as a music therapist, we follow our intuition, and we observe, assess, re-assess, and then provide flexibility based on that child’s response and energy. We are constantly adjusting and changing our approach based on what your child needs.

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