Role of Music Therapy

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – June 2021 Week 6 Role of Music Therapy

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    • #18998



      Share your thoughts on the role of music therapy in community-based settings on the forum.

    • #19151

      Erika Svolos


      Don’t forget to check back over past weeks to see what fellow participants have posted. We find this helps to deepen your experience in this training.

    • #19206

      Music therapy can play a big role in community based settings. Music classes can be based on a music therapy model to support healthy development for all children. These classes can promote growth through caregiver education, building social skills, and building a community for families. These classes can become a safe space for caregivers to ask questions, feel supported, and help children build their skills in a developmentally appropriate environment.

    • #19217

      Samantha Springer


      Community-based music therapy programs can provide and build a sense of community for families, including the parents as well as children. Music therapy can provide opportunities for socialization and encouragement as well as provide a place where families can ask questions about development. Parents can build connections with other parents and children can meet other children as well to form friendships and strengthen community. Music therapy can provide a space where parents don’t have to feel lonely and where they can come and be part of something for their children without being judged.

    • #19221

      Maria Ramey


      Community-based music therapy can be a place to make and build friendships and create a sense of deep connection. Music can also provide a safe and supportive environment for parents who are learning to understand their child’s developmental milestones and being in a community group during this experience will give parents opportunities to share these discoveries and understanding with one another.

    • #19240

      Erika Svolos


      Wonderful insights from everyone! This question helps us to see how we can create programming that supports the communities we work in. Save your responses to have when you are creating programming. It can be a helpful guide.

    • #19246

      Mikelia Wallace


      The role of music therapy in communities can be so large, as this course is about Early Childhood, and in this community we are looking to create a community of children and parents to be social, ask questions and developmentally healthy. However, in other roles community based music therapy is used, it can very so different, for example, I’ve done work in a community-based mental health center, and their goals included wellness, processing experiences, and group cohesion.

      Music is so very engrained in our lives and can lead us to meet all kinds of people with different experiences, as we all may have experienced in our education, and these different experiences allow us to learn from other perspectives, which I think is truly the role of community in music.

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