Share What Most Excites You

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies – September 2022 Week 9 Share What Most Excites You

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    • #21138



      Share what most excites you most about bringing the ideas and music from this training to the children and families in your community.

    • #21420

      Celia Grove


      One of the things I’m most excited about is using this knowledge and songs to inform parents and caregivers- I look forward more to some of my parental conversations now! While I know I already had the knowledge on what to say, I feel like I have a better scope of how to phrase it in the best and comforting way. I also am just excited to use some of the bonding and lap ride songs not just with my early childhood kiddos, but with some of my kiddos that need extra sensory stimulation in sessions. Those can be the most frustrating for me, as I know what they need, but I’m not sure how to give that, and hearing a lot of the songs in this course I’ve thought of new ways to use them. I also feel like my songwriting creativeness has been sparked a little more during this training, and I’m excited to keep that up!

      • #21423

        Erika Svolos


        Celia I really enjoyed hearing what you are excited about! Thank you for sharing. Something that may help you with regards to sensory needs is the work of Jean Ayers and Lucy Jane Miller and the STAR Institute in Colorado. Sensory processing is a multi system process including the visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile systems. It also involves things like the vestibular, proprioceptive, and interoceptive areas.

        Here’s a link that has been helpful for me:

        There is so much we can do with all the experiences we use singing, movement, listening, playing instruments that can help to support and activate these areas. The challenge there is accommodating all the different needs at once. I like to think ahead of time, what I can put in each experience that supports the over typical, responding, under responding, and mix responding systems and then model these for the families and the children.

      • #21463

        Brenna Sheaffer


        I totally agree! It is so exciting to be able to be a confident and knowledgable support for the families and caregivers.

      • #21520

        Leeann Mcmorrow


        I agree- I feel way more equipped to communicate goals and developmental thoughts to parents from taking this course and I can’t wait to bring that into some of the community work that I’m doing!

    • #21460

      Caitlyn Pawelek


      Some of the things that I am the most excited about using this knowledge is being able to transfer these skills into all areas that I work with. Adapting this knowledge when working with my individual kids and kids with IDDS to connect more with them and offer more sensory support. I have a new client that I am working with who albeit is slightly older than the children in the course has some fear of new people and is slow to get comfortable with new people. Using the songs and techniques taught here has really helped him open up quickly with me and we are making such good progress! The knowledge and language taught in this course has also helped me feel more comfortable speaking about progress with both families and the school staff that I work with and advocate for the clients and music therapy.

      • #21465

        Erika Svolos


        It is wonderful to hear how helpful this material will be for all of your clinical work. Thank you for sharing!

    • #21464

      Brenna Sheaffer


      I am excited to be able to communicate with families, caregivers, and staff members about developmental and sensory needs through all stages of development. This has been something that I have noticed throughout the pandemic as such a large need for children and families as there may be delays due to isolation and not having a lot of opportunities to socialize and interact with others. I’m looking forward to being a comforting and judgement free resource that families and caregivers can utilize as support. I’m also looking forward to developing that resource for the families and caregivers and providing a community support of others that are going through similar situations.

      • #21466

        Erika Svolos


        Great insights! I’m so glad you have gained more skills to support the work you are doing.

    • #21477

      Samantha M Lawrence


      I agree with the running theme! I’m excited to be another resource to parents. Sometimes you just have to get permission to do something, and I feel like we were all given permission to use our expertise and knowledge and communicate what we see.

      Also, this course is helping me slowly break out of my rut and try new things with my little ones. It’s so easy to stick with “what works.” But I’m feeling empowered to bring in some new types of songs and really try to connect with my kiddos in a different way.

    • #21504

      Leeann Mcmorrow


      I have been hearing a sense of isolation from other parents in my community. Just because things are more open since the pandemic shut-down, does not mean that every parent of a young child feels settled in. I’d love to offer some music classes in my community as a way for families to connect with one another and find a decreased sense of parenting “on an island” by themselves.

    • #21528

      Hally Batterman


      I am most excited to be able to offer not only my music, but also my knowledge and expertise in child development to the families who are looking for these types of services. I am looking forward to facilitating a group in which families can relate to others and feel less alone in the scariness that can sometimes occur when having a child. I am also excited to take some of the music from this training and make it my own. Some of the music I have known for years thanks to Beth, but others are new to me and I always love learning new songs! It keeps things fresh and I am eager to try them in adapted ways with my current clients.

    • #21531

      Grace Baer


      I am excited that I have a new population available to me to begin working with! I’m excited that I have expanded knowledge, lots of new song materials, and strategies to lean on and implement in my sessions. I also look forward to finding ways to work in some of those new songs into my current caseload to keep things fresh and interesting. Like Celia said, my creativity in songwriting has been given some inspiration from all of the simple but useful repertoire that’s been presented, and I’m excited to keep developing that skill!

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