Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 2.

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies Training – June 2016 Week 7 Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 2.

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    • #9888

      Meredith Pizzi


      Use 5 words to describe the music experiences in Sprouting Melodies 2. Write 5 sentences you can use when speaking with parents about musical responses of children in SM 2. Create a plan for songs and music experiences to use in a Sprouting Melodies 2 session.

    • #10152

      Alice Sorensen


      Flexibility – Space – Excitement – Joy – Movement

      SM2 is meant for children between six and eighteen months of age, which can encompass a wide variety of development levels. In SM2, there is a higher level of energy and excitement as children are moving into the stage of independence from the parent/guardian. We focus on songs that center on movement of the child’s body, having the child be more kinesthetically aware of their own body and its space in the world. We use more instruments in SM2. Also, in SM2, you might not be physically holding your child as much as in SM1.

      After warmup time – “Hey, Hey, Come and Play!” (EKS)

      Bonding Songs:
      The Ice Cream Cone Song (EKS)

      Songs about Me:
      All of This is Me (EKS)

      I Like This Song (EKS)

      Can You Follow! (EKS)

      It’s Time to Say Goodbye
      Thank You Very Much

    • #10157

      Rachel Lighty


      Playful, Energetic, Spontaneous, Timbre Variety, and Exploratory

      Your child might wander from you and interact with other parents because he trusts that you will still be there and are a safe place for him. Children typically interact with other adults before interacting with their peers. Notice when your child puts the instrument in and out of his mouth, he is aware of the changes being made (music vs. no music). This age group loves surprises when they can be anticipated. When helping your child jump, make sure they land flat footed on the ground so they can feel grounded and safe.


      Instrument Exploration
      Hello Song
      Body Percussion – Hey, Hey Come and Play
      Lap Ride – Wiggly Jiggly Car
      Instrument Play – Sit With Me and Shake
      Gross Motor Movement – March with My Baby
      Cool Down – Can You See Me; Book; Scarves
      Goodbye Song

    • #10161

      Jessica Triana


      Discovery, independence, curiosity, playful, nurturing

      In Sprouting Melodies 2, we continue to support healthy bonding between you and your child through developmentally-appropriate music and play experiences. At this age, it is healthy for your child to navigate the early stages of independence, which may mean that he will move around the room and interact with other adults more. The music therapist will carefully select songs and musical instruments to focus on: enhancing self-awareness and body awareness, practicing fine and gross motor skills, fostering independence, and having fun! Class time will provide you with opportunities to learn and practice your newly acquired skills so that you can feel comfortable continuing these experiences in your own home.

      •Transition into group: allow a few moments for parents to bring in and unload their belongings, re-introduce their child and themselves to the room, and say hello to the other parents; Gathering Song: “Hey, Hey, Come and Play”; Bonding Song: “Hold On Tight”; Self Song: “Just Like Me”; Instrument Song: “I Like This Song”; Movement Song: “March With My Baby”; Goodbye: “Thank You Very Much”

    • #10165

      Tracy Schoenberg


      Exploration, Discovery, Playful, Energetic, and love of Surprises

      In SM2, the music group for babies will be between the ages of 6-18 months old. They will participate by being playful, free and spontaneous through music listening and music making. The music selected at this stage will focus on addressing language and communication skills, motor planning, and social development. Some babies at this age will love crawling and walking around the room while others might like to stay still and observe his/her environment. The music might be full of fun surprises and reflect the children’s energy, yet still have a calm structure that reflects their energy.

      Session Plan for SM2-
      Instrument Exploration and transition into group

      1) Gathering/Greeting- Sit Downd with Me (EKS)- child led body movements
      2) Bonding Song- Horsey, Carry Me (EKS)
      3) Songs about Me- Can You See Me? (EKS)
      4) Instrument- Sit with Me and Shake (MRP)- use of little maracas.. I like this song but it’s not in the book- I guess I’ll have to make up my own melody but keep lyrics
      5) Movement- Pick Your Hands Up High (EKS)- using scarves
      6) Goodbye- Music Time is Over (EKS)

    • #10173

      Cassandra Reyna


      Exploration — Observation — Energy — Spontaneous — Playful

      Sprouting Melodies 2 is for children 6-12 months in age. In this age group, children are moving toward independence from their caregivers. They will explore instruments independently and begin to explore social relationships, interacting with other children and their caregivers. Children participate through both active music-making and active music listening, moving in and out of activities in order to explore their role within the group. Language and communication skills are also addressed in this level.

      Gathering/Greeting: Hello
      Bonding Song: Jingle Up, Jingle Down
      Songs About Me: Just Like Me
      Instrument Song: I Like This Song
      Movement: March with My Baby
      Goodbye: Thank You Very Much

    • #10177

      Marchele Gilman



      Sprouting Melodies 2 is for children ages 6-18 months old. Our goals are to address language, communication, motor planing, and social development through active music making and listening. Children will vary in their level of participation. At this stage a child is developing from trust to independence. They are beginning to see themselves as an individual and developing their own identity.

      Gathering/Greeting: Hey, Hey Come and Play
      Bonding: Wiggly Jiggly Car
      Songs about Me: Can You See Me
      Instrument: Sit with Me and Shake
      Movement: March with My Baby
      Goodbye:Goodbye followed by Thank You Very Much

    • #10184

      Gwendolyn Van Baalen


      Play, explore, move, bond, independence

      In Sprouting Melodies 2, we provide opportunities for children 6-18 months to explore an expanding range of developmentally appropriate responses to music and play. Our music therapists select music experiences designed to build
      expressive and receptive communication skills, motor planning, social interaction, and sense of self and independence. Children in Sprouting Melodies 2 may begin to move more independently, vocalize, interact with other group members, and explore instruments in response to music activities. Caregivers are encouraged to sing and move along in group and at home.

      Transition: allow time for children and families to settle and explore space while group members arrive
      Gathering song: It’s music time today
      Bonding: Wiggly, jiggly car
      Gross motor: March with my baby
      Instrument play: Dancing in the middle
      Me song: Just like me
      Goodbye: It’s time to say goodbye and Thank you for the music

    • #10187

      Flora Whitmore


      Playfulness- Exploration-Bonding- Independence- Gentle Surprises

      Sprouting Melodies 2 gives children ages 6-18 months the opportunity to continue to explore their environment through developmentally appropriate music making activities. Songs at this level will help your child continue to build their communication skills and motor planning. All of our activities are built to help your child develop their independence, explore their environment, use their voices, move their bodies, explore instruments and begin to interact with their peers. Parents and caregivers are welcome and encouraged to join in, move and sing along and practice these songs at home and when they are out and about with their children!

      Gathering/Greeting “hello everybody”/It’s so great to make music”- I think this might be a music together melody but I also sang something like this in school as a child
      Bonding: Wiggly Jiggly Car
      Motor:Slippery Fish (this is a fun one with hand over hand, because it has the words “OH NO!” and is great for suspense and uses the sign language words for water and eat. And also has the words “Gulp GUlp GUlp” which you can lightly bounce the kiddo or make the sound with the glottal stop, which looks hilarious and people cannot make that sound without a funny face.
      Instrument: Sit With Me and Shake
      Goodbye: Bye Bye Butterfly/ Shalom Chavarim / “Goodbye my friends” (one I learned from my practice owner.)

    • #10198



      Don’t forget to save your answers so you have these plans when you need them later.

    • #10199

      Beth McLaughlin


      5 words (or 2 word phrases) to describe SM2 experience:
      playful – movement exploration – predictable surprise – authentic energy – intrinsic spontaneity

      5 Sentences to use when speaking with parents about musical responses of children in SM2

      Create a safe place for your child to move both within and outside of the group as this encourages their independence and supports self-initiated response to the music experience

      Musical elements such as glissandos, rests, tempo change, vocal timbre, help to create moments of surprise in a song but it needs to be predictable so that the child can anticipate the change and look forward to it. This strengthens his level of trust in the environment.

      Helping your child have feet flat on the floor when tamping feet helps them to organize and process sensory information from the environment and feel more grounded as they have greater certainty about where there body is in space.

      Your child will respond rhythmically through movement and instrument play but their movements do not necessarily synchronize with the music. To build trust, make sure your responses synchronize with theirs.

      To encourage your child’s independent response to the music environment, keep a number of instruments close to them so that they can reach and choose which and how many to play.

      Session plan for SM2:

      Gathering/greeting – All of our friends are here today, hooray, hooray (same gathering song from SM!) – use stretchy band to include all in the circle

      Bonding song – Horsey Carry me (EKS – page 48)

      Songs about me – All of this is me (EKS)

      Instrument song – I Know Just How it Goes (EKS p. 119 (use maracas and add verses that vary tempo and start/stop)

      Movement – Jumping Up and Jumping Down (EKS p. 69) variation: use scarves as props to stretch and bend instead of jump, adding dramatic pauses between up/down, sky/ground to allow time to process movement changes.

      Good-bye – So long, music is finished….I wish you could stay but it’s time to go. Personalize with names of children

    • #10216

      Alison Albino


      Discovery, exploration, movement, security, and independence.

      Children may still want to face you caregivers at this point, but if they’re ready to turn around and face others in the group, that is wonderful too! Don’t worry if your little ones are wandering around and coming back, that’s completely normal. Children are getting ready to move into an independence stage, we want them to become independent people! If children want to explore the guitar, that is totally okay, that’s what it’s here for. You might hear your little ones singing these songs at home even if they aren’t singing along in class. They are still taking everything in!

      Session Plan:

      Gathering Song: Let’s Make Some Music – vary speeds, play drum fast, slow, up high, and down low.

      Hello Everybody – Individually greet each child

      Bonding Song: Firetruck song (a song written by one of the music therapists at RMTS)

      Instrument Song: Shake Your Shakers (Twist and Shout) – Shake it fast, slow, up high, and down low, and stop!

      Movement Song: Come to My Farm – Bring out several toy animals, have caregivers touch different parts of the body that correspond with where the sounds come from (for example with “neigh,” caregivers touch their little ones heads, for “moo,’ caregivers lightly push cheeks, etc.) I use this as a marching/running song with animal sounds.

      Cool Down: Pick Your Hands Up High with the scarves

      Goodbye Song: Bye Bye, Music Time is Done

    • #10295

      RaeAnna Zinniel


      Five words that describe SM2: Movement, Playful, Independence, Discovery, and Energy
      Sprouting Melodies 2 is a class for babies aged 6-18 months. In this class your baby will move on to the developmental stage of Independence. In this stage your child may begin to wonder away from you and become more in tune with his or her peers and surrounding grownups. This class offers musical experiences that help your child move and become more aware of their body and others. This class has higher energy and instrument play that is best suited for your child at this stage in development.
      Gathering: Hey! Hey! Come and Play Bonding: Wiggly, Jiggly Car Song about Me: Just like Me Instrument Play: Sit With me and Shake Movement: March with my Baby Goodbye

    • #10327

      Elizabeth Ferguson


      Explore, energetic, play, fun, moving
      1. It’s OK if your child leaves the circle to spin or move on their own for part of the class.
      2. Remember to let your child look outward towards the group and their peers.
      3. Embrace each child in the class, not just your own, and celebrate all the children!
      4. They are developing their independence at this stage, let them use as many instruments as they choose!
      5. This is a safe place to explore sounds they can make with their body, it’s also OK if they wait until the car or home to sing the songs done in class!

      Session Plan
      Greeting Song:
      Hello (Original)
      Bonding Song:
      Wiggly Jiggly Car EKS(LOVE THIS SONG)
      Songs about Me:
      Can you see me? EKS
      Instrument Song:
      Leader Song (Orginal)
      Movement Song:
      Stop/Go (original)
      Goodbye (Org)

    • #10829

      Ayelet Weiss


      Exploration, Expected Surprise, Independence, Energy, Playful

      Sprouting Melodies is a music group for babies 6-18 months old in which music participation will support the development of language and communication skills, motor planning, and social skills. Children are encouraged to face inward toward the caregiver as well as outward toward other adults and peers. Children at this age and development stage love surprises that are able to be anticipated and spontaneity within a safe structure. In this class, we welcome and encourage your child’s movement around the room, as the movement away from and then back to you is important in his or her development to the stage of Independence. Feet are very important for information processing and organization so when you are helping your child jump, you want to make sure that the bottoms of the feet are really hitting the floor.

      Session Plan:

      Gathering- Hey Hey Come and Play, Bonding- Wiggly Jiggly Car, Songs About Me- All of This is Me, Instrument Song-Dancing in the Middle, Movement- Pick Your Hands Up High, Goodbye song and Thank You Very Much.

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