Where will you go from here?

Home Forums Sprouting Melodies Training – June 2015 Week 10 Where will you go from here?

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    • #7658

      Meredith Pizzi


      Where will you go from here? How will this training impact your work as a music therapist?

    • #7967

      Cynthia Cross


      I am so excited to get started! I am officially starting my private practice in September and looking forward to making Sprouting Melodies a part of that practice. After 10 years of commuting I am setting up shop in my local community (5 minutes from my house) and providing services that are either not available or in limited availability.

      In my current part-time job I have already applied some of the developmentally appropriate practices taught in these videos and experienced encouraging success! It has been awesome to get this perspective and get a boost to what I have been doing. I expect to continue with this job through this school year so I am looking forward to applying these principles there as well.

    • #7972

      Mary Kerrigan


      I am so glad that I had the opportunity to take part in this training. I have always wanted to work with little ones, but just really haven’t had the chance in my professional work as a music therapist to do so. Now that I have all this knowledge and resources I am ready to start advocating and reaching out to my community. As I mentioned in previous posts I really do not have too many professional connections to the early childhood community with having primarily worked in the adult special needs population, but after thinking about who I could reach out to in response to this week’s other post I realize that I do have a good base of connections in my personal life to just simply get my name and Sprouting Melodies out there. It’s a small start but still a start! I am hoping with the support of Roman Music Therapy Services to help promote the agency more in the Worcester county area and bring more awareness to what music therapy is and what music can provide for not only early childhood, but also for anyone at any level! I am also really excited to start working towards this and I wish everyone else the best of luck in their pursuits as well!

    • #7977

      Mary Jane Dibble


      This training has been very helpful in my work as a music therapist. It was helpful to see the different levels of development broken down into sections and specifically see how those levels relate to music. I now plan on using this knowledge in my practice with young children. I am excited to advocate more in the community and build connections with others in the community.

    • #7986



      I enjoyed reading each one of your plans going forward. It has been a pleasure to be in this training with you and to read how each of you have benefitted from the course work. Mary K. definitely reach out to Meredith and Beth and join in the Sprouting Melodies Provider community support events. You will get a tremendous amount of support and making those connections and growing your work in early childhood.

    • #7987

      Emily Baroody


      I have really enjoyed the course content and I want to implement it into my practice as much as possible. The community outreach that this program provides I think is just what the music school that I work for needs to bring in more families and really provide music that gives back to the community. It may take awhile to launch the Sprouting Melodies as a trademark program at the music school, but in the mean time I am hoping that the new knowledge I have will enhance the early childhood programs I am currently offering and that more people in the community will become supportive of the music school’s value and that will in turn help us launch this program. In the meantime I feel like I see my early childhood groups with a fresh perspective, really all of my clinical work. It was really great to be inspired each week with new ideas and concepts that I can use in my music therapy practice.

    • #7993

      Corie Barkey


      I have truly learned so much and already adjusted some techniques to reflect appropriate developmental levels. I am in the midst of huge change in my life (new full time position, grad school, three young boys, private practice, and the hubs also has a new job as a flight paramedic in the helicopter…) and like Emily it may take me a little to get Sprouting Melodies integrated into my practice. As my schedule evens out and I have more time to dedicate to expanding my private practice, I look forward to offering Sprouting Melodies groups to my community.

      Thank you to you all for being such a supportive community during this course.

    • #7994

      Mary Carter


      I as well am hoping to launch my private practice within the next couple weeks. I will be offering a music course for babies and caregivers and toddlers and caregivers and have just found a great location that I am really excited about. I think the refresher in developmental levels will certainly impact my work as a music therapist and my song choices. I’ve enjoyed learning new material and will get the song book so I can keep using the songs that were presented.

    • #7996

      Molly Moses


      I just started a new position with an already established private practice in my community this past week. I look forward to adding these groups as an additional service. Something that really stuck with me that was said on last week’s phone call was when Meredith said that some of her Sprouting Melodies providers find that these classes help prevent burn out. I can definitely see that being true for me, as learning new information and new music each week has been such a source of joy. I cannot wait to get started.

    • #8001

      Laura Silvestain


      From here, I will use what I have learned to aid me in completing my honors project. When I am a professional, I hope to use what I’ve learned in this training in my practice, and to become a Sprouting Melodies provider. I think Sprouting Melodies is a wonderful advocacy tool (as well as music) and education on music and music therapy in any area is much needed in the area I want to practice in (Colorado).

    • #8002

      Kristina Rio


      It was a pleasure getting to know each of you throughout these last ten weeks. It is so great to hear all of your enthusiasm and inspiration coming out of this course. I wish all of you the best!

    • #8022

      Melaine Pohlman


      From here, I have great enthusiasm for using some new repertoire in my 1:1 sessions with my Early Intervention clients. I’m really committed to using more functional language in lyrics and being more intentional with parents as I work with them. As well, I have lots of questions to research and brainstorm on to see how SM can fit well in my community. I have a list of places/people to explore and connect with in the coming months. As well, I heed to take my private practice to the next level with more of a web presence. I will be in Boston the week of Thanksgiving and would welcome the chance to see some Sprouting Melodies classes in action. If that might be possible, let me know!

      Thank you all for your time, thoughtful responses and insights! I look forward to connecting again. Meredith and Beth….you rock! ; ) Can’t thank you enough for your energy and enthusiasm for working with this population. It’s contagious!

    • #8023

      Brianna McCulloch


      I have been incorporating lots of new songs into my MT sessions and my early childhood classes with FANTASTIC responses. Like a few others have said, I’m really excited by the idea of using more songs FUNCTIONAL language in them. That’s something I often do with MT clients by nature of their goals, but had not really applied to my work with early childhood. I am also motivated to increase my reach into my community. Just found out our town has a “Kid Fest” coming up–our org is going to have a booth and I’m going to do a free “sample class” and distribute info. Also emailed the libraries in town this week to see how we can get involved with them. I loved the action item to be the “go to person” in my community for early childhood music. I’m taking that challenge on!!

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